Blog | Pure Wellness

10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellness | Pure Wellness

Written by Pure Wellness | Jan 24, 2019 4:19:11 PM

Wellness is about more than your physical health.  It’s a holistic concept that takes a proactive approach to all aspects of your wellbeing, including your social and emotional health.

It’s easy to neglect these mental aspects of wellness, especially when you live a busy lifestyle and already feel pressed for time.  But these mental wellness tips are easy steps that any of us can take to reduce stress, relate better to others and adopt a more positive outlook on life.

1. Seek out positive messages. Many of us are bombarded each day with negative news stories, violent images in the media and interactions with unhappy people.  Try to eliminate these from your life and replace them with ideas that are motivational and uplifting.

2. Focus on others.  One of the best ways to care for yourself is to care for others.  Take attention off of your own worries by devoting more energy to helping and supporting friends and family.

3. Care for your body.  A nutritious diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep can do wonders for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

4. Discover your spiritual side.  Whether you’re religious or not, connecting with a higher purpose helps give your life meaning and direction. Look to nature, meditation or other forms of spiritual reflection for guidance.

5. Practice breathing exercises.  It sounds simple but taking deep breaths and focusing on your breathing is a proven way to reduce stress, improve focus and promote relaxation.

6. Take time to unplug.  Overstimulation and too much screen time are major factors in causing people to feel stressed.  Start by turning off your phone for one hour each day while you read, listen to music or focus on a conversation.

7. Challenge yourself.  Many of us get worn down in our daily lives by the need to complete mindless, repetitive tasks.  Look for ways to stimulate your creative, problem-solving energies with games, puzzles or by considering new approaches to old problems.

8. Alter your routine.  Something as simple as trying new foods or taking a different route home from work can help break up monotony and give you a new perspective on life.

9. Anticipate stress.  No matter how well you care for your mental health, there will be times that you feel frustrated or overwhelmed. Develop a plan for how you will deal with these moments, whether it’s by taking a walk or expressing your feelings to someone you trust.

10. Seek help when you need it.  There is no reason that anyone who feels they need professional mental health support should hesitate in getting it. Care for yourself enough to find the help you need from a therapist, counselor or social worker.

Kevin Arnold

Kevin Arnold writes about health, wellness and travel.  For more tips and information, check out all of his posts at