Blog | Pure Wellness

10 Ways to Celebrate Family Health and Fitness Day | Pure Wellness

Written by Pure Wellness | Jun 8, 2019 7:55:09 AM

June 8th is Family Health and Fitness Day so we’re bringing you our best tips to keep you and your loved ones active.  When you make health and wellness a priority in your family, it’s easier to make changes and adopt a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime!

1. Talk about health and wellness.  When kids are young and healthy, the importance of diet and exercise may not be obvious to them.  Frame the discussion on their terms by explaining how these help them feel good, do well in school and have more energy for their favorite activities.

2. Set a good example.  Healthy choices about diet, exercise and wellness start with you.  Lead by example by staying active, modeling good eating habits and getting adequate sleep.

3. Play!  You don’t need expensive equipment or organized programs to get fit with your family.  Play tag, climb a tree or head to the playground for some simple, old-fashioned fun.

4. Coach a sport.  If your kids are involved in sports or other activities like dance or cheerleading, volunteer to help out.  Many of these groups can use the extra help and it’s a great way to show your support for kids’ fitness.

5. Do chores.  Whether it’s mowing the lawn, cleaning out the garage or shoveling snow, chores are easier and more fun when you do them together!

6. Experience nature.  Another simple (and usually free!) way to get kids active is to spend time together outdoors.  Go for a hike, take a bike ride or spend time splashing around in the water.

7. Take them grocery shopping.  This is a great way to teach kids valuable lessons about nutrition and balance, not to mention math and finances.  It’s a good idea to let kids make their own selections while showing them the importance of making responsible choices.

8. Prepare family meals.  When kids are actively involved in their health, they learn better and are more likely to adopt good habits.  Show kids how to cook tasty and nutritious food rather than relying on premade items.

9. Explore their interests.  You’re more likely to form deep connections and get kids involved if you take the time to share in the things they enjoy.  Read the same book, ask about the music they like and let them choose what you do together.

10. Spend one-on-one time.  Family time is great but it’s also important to treat kids as individuals with their own lives and their own perspectives.  Make it a priority to spend some time with each member of your family where you can enjoy your shared hobbies and interests.

Kevin Arnold

Kevin Arnold writes about health, wellness and travel.  For more tips and information, check out all of his posts at