It can be hard enough to make time for exercise even without the holiday time crunch. Here are some simple ways to maintain your fitness routine between all of the gift wrapping, baking and entertaining you have to do.
- Skip online shopping. It’s easy to do all of your holiday shopping with a few clicks of the mouse and keyboard but heading out to the stores is a great opportunity to get moving. Incorporate some brisk walking between stores and frequently bring packages back to the car to increase your activity level.
- Shovel your driveway. Snowblowers are fast and effortless but shoveling snow provides an intense, full-body workout. You’ll cross an item off your to-do list while burning a lot of calories, plus give yourself an excuse to spend some time outdoors.
- Create new traditions. So many of our holiday traditions center on food and passive activities like watching football. Set up your family’s own game instead or make other activities like building a snowman or snowshoeing an annual event.
- Plan for travel. If you’ll be spending time visiting family and friends over the holidays, be sure to plan ahead. Look online for routes to walk and run or ask your hosts for their suggestions. Lightweight exercise equipment like resistance bands, a jump rope and yoga mat is easy to pack and bring along with you.
- Maximize your time at the gym. Instead of slogging away on the elliptical, plan a short, high-intensity workout that combines cardio with compound movements like squats and pushups. If you’re moving continuously, 20-30 minutes is enough time to get in an effective workout.
- Stock up on healthy snacks. It can be difficult to make time for nutritious meals during the holiday rush so fill your pantry with fast, wholesome foods for meals on-the-go.We’re more likely to exercise when we eat well and having these foods on hand will make it easier to avoid tempting holiday treats.
- Make time for sleep. Adequate rest is essential for both maintaining your exercise routine and for your health overall. Get to bed early and save whatever you need to get done for the following morning.