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Asthma Attacks Down Among Children-- But More Can Still Be Done | Pure Wellness

Written by Pure Wellness | Oct 5, 2018 2:16:49 PM

Asthma Attacks Down Among Children–  But More Can Still Be Done 

First, the good news.  A new report from the Centers for Disease Control found that the number of children with asthma who experienced an attack is down from 62% in 2001 to 54% is 2016.  During this time, kids with asthma also missed fewer days of school and were hospitalized less frequently because of their symptoms.

But with more than half of kids with asthma experiencing one or more attacks, this unfortunately means that they are still the norm.  There’s a lot more we can do to provide all children with adequate asthma care and help bring these numbers down even further.

Experts credit the reduction in asthma attacks to greater awareness about the condition and more frequent prescription of preventative medications.  More people than ever now understand that asthma is a serious health condition, which makes them more likely to seek out medical care for asthma and take meaningful steps to manage their symptoms.

While these efforts have had a significant impact, any asthma episode is a terrifying event no child or family should have to experience.  Unfortunately, we often don’t think about asthma until it manifests itself through severe symptoms.  Proactive measures and effective management strategies are the key to making sure these episodes never occur.

Aside from institutional and policy changes in the healthcare system, there are many smaller and more immediate steps we can take to make this a reality.

Schools can play a crucial role in reducing the number of asthma attacks among children.  Educating kids about asthma and implementing asthma-friendly medication policies are a couple important ways that schools can help tackle this problem.  Ask about your school’s approach to asthma and if you find these measures are inadequate, advocate for stronger and more proactive support.

Parents can also take steps at home to prevent asthma and ensure their children’s symptoms stay under control.  Reduce exposure to irritants such as allergens, indoor air pollution and second-hand smoke.  Prioritize asthma management by giving kids control over their asthma care along with adequate supervision and support.

Asthma care and awareness have come a long way over the past several decades.  Let’s keep making progress by scaling up our efforts to reduce the number of asthma attacks among children.

Kevin Arnold


Kevin Arnold writes about allergies and asthma, travel and healthy living.  For more tips and information, check out all of his posts at