The hospitality industry suffers from some of the highest turnover rates and many hotels have been forced to layoff staff over the past year. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t simple, tangible steps you can take to keep your employees motivated through these difficult times.


Ultimately, this is a people business. Our tips emphasize the human element in the boss-employee relationship and they don’t require much of any time or resources to implement.


1. Be a role model.       Success starts at the top and your employees are looking at you whether you realize it or not. Our number one tip is to set a good example and act as a mentor to your staff.


2. Talk about career growth. People feel motivated when they see meaning in their work and opportunities for advancement. No one wants to be stuck doing the same job forever.       Discuss career goals with each employee and provide clear paths for advancement.


3. Ask for feedback.       Workers also become invested in their jobs when they know they have a voice and a stake in the business. Be receptive to your staff’s opinion (even when it’s critical!) and do what you can to incorporate their ideas. This relationship should be a partnership rather than top-down.


4. Encourage teamwork.       Whether it’s a team-building experience or the chance to collaborate on a creative project, people are often more motivated when they work together.       These situations make employees accountable to each other and can push them to do their best. Plus, they can be both fun and productive!


5.Give opportunities to train others. When an employee understands that you trust them to train someone else, they know you have confidence in their knowledge and performance. Having a sense of expertise can make employees feel responsible for junior staff members, which increases self-motivation.


6. Praise accomplishments. It sounds simple but under the pressure of a busy schedule, many managers simply forget to give regular compliments.       Something as simple as a “thank you” can go a long way. Your recognition should be well-deserved, sincere and fairly distributed.


7. Reward effort and success. That said, praise without follow-through can only go so far. Be sure to acknowledge your employee’s hard work and successes with regular promotions, a raise in pay, and added responsibility.

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