While everyone’s lives have been changed by COVID-19, the pandemic doesn’t affect all of us in the same way.  Older Americans, especially those who reside in assisted senior living facilities, are at a greater risk of both contracting the virus and experiencing more severe, life-threatening symptoms.  Their caregivers and families worry not only about exposing these vulnerable individuals to the coronavirus but also the possibility of increased exposure themselves.


Pure Wellness is partnering with nursing homes and other assisted living communities to help keep seniors safe and healthy during this challenging time.  We’re using the same anti-microbial and anti-viral defense in Pure hotel rooms to sanitize common areas, dining facilities and living quarters against the spread of COVID-19 in these communities.


This comprehensive and multilayered system treats both hard and soft surfaces as well as the air to eliminate viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew and other microbes.  This includes our proprietary sanitizing spray, which has been approved by the CDC for use against COVID-19.  Pure technology also insulates all hard surfaces with our bacteriostatic shield, providing continuous anti-viral and anti-microbial protection and defense.


Air purification is especially crucial in senior living facilities, not only to prevent transmission of the virus, but also because residents are more likely to suffer from chronic respiratory diseases and dangerous complications from respiratory infections.  Pure’s medical-grade air filtration systems are superior to those with HEPA filters and have been shown to eliminate 99.99% of viruses, allergens and other particulate matter from the environment, including particles smaller than the coronavirus.


We’re working with agencies like Lifetime Wellness to bring this proven anti-viral and anti-microbial protection into senior living facilities across the country.  Lifetime Wellness provides a variety of resources, training and programs that support the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of aging. The goal is to combine these services with our state-of-the-art sanitizing and disinfecting procedures to offer comprehensive health and wellness care that addresses the changing needs of older adults.


Seniors are among the most vulnerable during the pandemic and senior living facilities present one of the most challenging environments to protect against the spread of the virus.  Pure is eager to help keep older Americans, caregivers and their families safe as we confront these challenges together.



Kevin Arnold


Kevin Arnold writes about health, wellness and travel.  For more tips and information, check out all of his posts at https://pureroom.com/blog-masonry-home.

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